by Matt Bourque
We pimped our little comic strip around L.A., and this is what a few noted personalities had to say about Delinquents:
"Aw, jes, jes. I have read Delinquents. All I can say, it eez better than anything I've done."
--Antonio Banderas
"It will pump you up."
--Arnold Scharzenegger
"It's better than looking at me."
--Brad Pitt
--Hillbilly Pete
--Dead Horse
"I'm gay! I'm gay! I mean . . . no, that's right. I'm queer as a stack of strawberry pancakes!"
--Leonardo DeCapprio
"It manages to fully encapsulate that unquantifiable facet of existance known as 'humor.'"
--Fred Durst
"It makes be wanna get naked!"
--Richard Hatch
"...and then I rolled a 12, and I was like, ugh! Take that, Morblar! Your foul deeds hath now been punished!"
--The Mayor of Dorksville
"Bling bling."
--William Shatner
"I pity da fool who hasn't read Delinquents...sucka!"
--Mr. T
"God, I miss Elizabeth..."
--Former celebrity Hugh Grant
--Keanu Reeves
"It'sh a little known fact that I model myshelf after the creator of Delinquentsh. He'sh a party animal."
--Sean Connery
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A WHORE! oh(*hic*)wait, yeah I've read (*hic*) rocks" (*passes out drunk*)
--Courtney Love
Back to the hizouse
Disclaimer: These noted personalities did not actually say these words, even when we tried to bribe them. Lousy famous bastards. Well, except the dead horse. He accepted $1000.
Okay, well, not really.